Our History...
Welcome to our site. My name is Brett Manion. I am in my early 50’s and have been with my wife Heather for 40 years. Yes!!!!….We basically met, and have stayed together since the beginning of high school…. We have two kids who are in their mid to late 20’s.
I work in the Broadcast industry as an Audio Engineer, and my wife, “the Lovely Heather” works in the insurance industry.
We are both born and raised in Johannesburg South Africa and 20 years ago left our home in Cape Town to continue our lives in Toronto Canada.
Why this RV site?
For as long as I can remember my Mom and late Dad took us on our annual vacations with their Travel Trailer “Caravan”, to the lovely Cape Town. After a serious accident towing our own travel trailer we stopped RV’ing immediately. After more than 20 years, a chain of events led us back to this passion. In researching the North American and modern day choices, I have been inspired by so many RV’ers out there who freely share their experience and expertise.
In my endeavour to make the correct choices, I have chosen to do the same for others and hopefully serve as a source of honest reliable info for RV’ers, their choices, and safety in the wonderful world of this lifestyle ….. And so, I hope you like and gain benefit from our perspectives on the subject.